How to Make Your Fence Blend In With the Garden

How to Make Your Fence Blend In With the Garden

You might be considering buying a new fence to make your garden more secure. However, you could be worried that the fence will look unnatural against the backdrop of flora and fauna in the garden.

There are dozens of ways to make sure that the fence blends in with the rest of the garden. Sheriff Fencing & Gates provides quality fencing which easily adapts to the rest of the garden without looking like an eyesore.

Read our guide for making your fence a natural extension of your garden:

Paint the Fence Green Or Brown

Fences which are constructed out of grey metal or blue plastic might not look as natural as you want them to be. In order to help fences blend in with the surroundings, the easiest method is to paint the boards green or brown for a more natural appearance. This is an incredibly quick and cost effective way to camouflage your garden fence and make it seem like an organic part of the backyard.

Use high-quality paint so that you won’t have to keep repainting the fence. A fresh coat will probably be required once a year.

Grow Vines & Creepers Up the Side of the Fence

Your fence might stand out too much against the vibrant colours of the garden, so why not grow some beautiful vines and creepers up the side so that they will make the man-made structure look completely natural. The vines will bloom with eye-catching flowers and will attract a whole range of wildlife to the garden. You might want to start doing this on other fences around your property.

Customise the Fence with Statues & Ornaments

Statues and ornaments add character to a garden. They can be strategically placed next to the fence in order to make the fence seem more like part of the surroundings. Some ornaments could be leant against the fence to make it look like they have come to life and are trying to escape captivity.

Grow a Hedge

Growing a hedge in front of the garden fence is a great way to create an extra layer of privacy and security. Try and make sure that the hedge grows over the top of the fence so that the two things blend together to create something which looks man-made and completely natural at the same time.

The hedge may need to be trimmed from time to time to prevent it from leaning too heavily against the garden fence and causing large amounts of damage.

Cut Out Patterns & Stick Them to the Fence

Cutting patterns and shapes out of wood and then sticking them on the side of the fence is a good way to make the structure blend in effortlessly with the rest of the garden. Get the whole family involved in making these exciting patterns.

For quality fences, contact us today!